The Second and FINAL Beef Club Weigh-in for the 2025 year will be Saturday, February 15, 2025, from 9:00am-12:00pm at the Shipshewana Auction Barn in Shipshewana, IN on State Road 5. You must be prepared to bring your market animals, including market heifers and commercial heifers, to this weigh-in. You only need to bring your animals to this weigh- in if you did not bring them to the December date.
You do not need to bring registered purebred heifers to weigh-in unless you feel you will not be able to get us papers for her by the May 15 deadline. We are asking if you are not 100% sure if you will be able to provide papers for the heifer that you BRING her to weigh-in to check her in. We will tag and weigh her in as a commercial heifer, so she is eligible to show at the 2025 fair if she does not get papers. If you provide us with her purebred papers she will be put in that class; if you do not get us papers, she will be shown as a commercial heifer. IF YOU DO NOT BRING HER TO THIS WEIGH IN if you have not done so already (if you do not have papers currently) she WILL NOT SHOW AT THE FAIR.
We will not be checking in your purebred heifers on our end other than weighing in the ones that you are unsure if you will get purebred papers on. You must enter those yourselves into 4-H online as we will not have your RFID and tattoo numbers in our records. YOU MUST turn in a copy of your purebred heifer papers with the RFID written at the top of the paper by May 15, 2025. If we do not receive these papers from you by that date you will be moved to our commercial heifer class (ONLY if you took her to one of the weigh-ins to get tagged. If you did not, SHE WILL NOT SHOW).
We will offer RFID tags if you need them for a charge of $5.00 per head. Please know you really need to work with your breeders to have these placed for you before you come to weigh-in.
We will also offer a pour on wormer for a charge of $5.00 per head.
Monte Flowers will also be set up if you would like to have your animals’ hooves trimmed. His charge is $35.00 per head.
Our next scheduled meeting is March 17, 2025, at 7:00pm in the Sheep/Swine Arena.
Flower sales will be starting. You may begin selling if you wish. We will be sending a flower email in the next few days with the order forms.
Please reach out with questions!!
Steve, Phil, Renee, Kayla, Brandi
We suggest that you be working your calves as much as possible. The weekends are a great time as we know you are all busy. As the calves get older this will only become harder as they get bigger, and it is helpful to get them used to you and to get them ready for the fair as soon as possible.
Our goal for you all is to keep you very informed and to make you feel comfortable with all the deadlines we have. We will try our best to have an informational email sent to you the Wednesday before the meeting so you can review it before. There will always be more information provided at the meetings as well. Please note that our usual club meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00PM at the fairgrounds.
We also want to invite any MINI 4-H members to the meetings. These meetings are for all of you to learn about the Beef Club as well.
If anyone knows of any families interested in joining our Mini 4-H program, please let us know! They will need to be enrolled into 4-H Online by January 15 as well.
We are so excited to start the new 4-H year with you!! If you know anyone who is interested in the club please let a leader know we would love to talk with them!! If you have any questions about the new year let us know!! This is going to be a great year!!!
If you will be new to our club this year WELCOME!!! Please let us know if you have any questions; we are happy to help and we want to get your experience in the Beef Club started out right!!!
** Here is a great video if you want to review a few clipping tips! Enjoy!**
***Check out our Facebook page! Click the Facebook icon in the upper right corner!! While you are there "Like" the page and add your friends!!***
***Send us your Beef Club related photos! We would love to put them up on the website or the Facebook page!!***
***It's not too early to send in T-Shirt designs for this year! Get them to us now so we can have a few to vote on!!***
**Please Learn the 4-H Pledge**
We will recite this before EVERY meeting along with the Pledge of Allegiance.. IT'S IMPORTANT!!
4-H Pledge
I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking,
my HEART to greater loyalty,
my HANDS to larger service,
And my HEALTH to greater living for my
club, my community, my country, and my world!!